State Bar of Georgia
State Bar of Georgia
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What is the Client Assistance Program?

客户援助计划(CAP)服务于公众和律师协会成员. 个人与CAP联系,询问有关法律情况的问题或问题, seeking information, 对律师的投诉和客户与律师之间的沟通问题. CAP provides information, 可能会联系律师或建议其他方法来处理这种情况. Contact the Client Assistance Program at 404-527-8759.

Frequently Asked Questions

"I am having trouble getting a lawyer to handle my case." CAP cannot refer callers to individual lawyers, 但我会建议他们打电话给当地的自愿(非监管)律师协会或律师转介服务机构.

"The lawyer won't return my calls." CAP可能会建议客户给律师写信或发电子邮件来表达他或她的担忧. If that fails to get a reasonable response, CAP may possibly contact the attorney on the client's behalf.

"I don't know what's happening on my case. I haven't heard from my lawyer for months." CAP可能会建议客户给律师写信或发电子邮件来表达他或她的担忧. If that fails to get a reasonable response, CAP may possibly contact the attorney on the client's behalf.

"How do I fire my lawyer?" CAP建议客户联系律师,努力解决问题. If that is not successful, CAP建议客户给律师发一封信或电子邮件,其中包括:一份注明日期的解雇声明, 同时要求返回客户的整个原始文件, 一份详细说明,并要求退还未获律师费.

"My former lawyer won't release the file." After a client has tried unsuccessfully to get the file back, CAP可能会联系律师,向其解释客户需要该档案以便继续进行正在进行的案件.

"I need a transcript of my trial for a habeas corpus petition." 建议客户与初审法院书记员联系,索取笔录.

"How do I get the court to appoint me a lawyer?" Clients are advised to contact the court. The court, not the State Bar of Georgia, appoints attorneys. 律师协会与律师的任命完全没有关系.

"I want to file a complaint against the judge." CAP会将客户介绍给司法资格委员会, which deals with complaints concerning judicial misconduct.

"A check on a lawyer's trust account bounced." CAP will request that a grievance form be sent to the client, who should get legal advice about how to recover the funds.

"My lawyer's bill is too high!" CAP urges the client to look at the fee agreement, 找出律师在这个案子上花了多少时间,看看档案,看看做了什么工作. 如果客户正在为不必要的工作或尚未完成的工作收费, 委托人应联系律师解决费用纠纷. 如果这是不成功的,打电话给国家律师的费用仲裁程序额外的选择.

"Can my lawyer withdraw from the case?" Yes, under certain circumstances. 律师希望从正在审理的案件中退出,应提交一份退出动议. If the court grants the Motion, the attorney may then withdraw. The client's case must not be jeopardized. Clients are advised to get other legal advice.

"A lawyer who represents a creditor is pestering me to pay up." CAP让打电话的人知道,对方律师应该是他或她的客户的热心拥护者. 客户应就如何应对付款要求咨询法律意见, particularly if the amount in question is disputed. 了解公平债务催收实践法案,以及可以做些什么来让账单催收人停止打电话. 涉嫌违反FDCPA的行为应向联邦贸易委员会报告.

"I want to sue my lawyer for malpractice." CAP refers clients to local (non-regulatory) bar associations, which can give them names of attorneys who handle such cases. 法律渎职是法院的事,是民事诉讼,不是州律师协会的事.

"A lawyer was rude to me!" CAP建议打电话的人,这样的行为是不可容忍的,也是不专业的, 但这并没有违反乔治亚州管理法律实践的《亚洲最大娱乐平台》.

"My lawyer provided ineffective assistance of counsel." 而州律师协会对无效援助的索赔没有管辖权, CAP可以将呼叫者转介给在这种情况下可能提供帮助的其他机构.

"I'm afraid to fire my lawyer because I paid a fee up front." Clients should review their contract with the attorney. In most circumstances, 美国律师协会告诉来电者,当律师被解雇或退出时,他们必须退还任何未赚的费用. 客户应要求一份详细的账单,并在律师被解雇时退还未获费用.

“我的前配偶是一名律师,他拖欠支付子女抚养费." 一旦CAP收到乔治亚州法院根据O.C.G.A. § 19-6-28.1、CAP将通知律师暂停其执业执照. 一旦满足某些要求,暂停将被取消.

What doesn't CAP do?

乔治亚州律师协会被禁止干预案件, interpreting laws or rules, 提供任何法律建议,并介绍个人律师. CAP does not have "in person" meetings; all of CAP's actions are handled by telephone, letter and email. No original documents should be sent to CAP.

What if I want to file a complaint against an attorney?

CAP试图通过改善律师与客户的沟通和通过非正式方法解决冲突来帮助解决问题. 提出申诉可能无法解决客户的问题,因此CAP致力于寻找其他选择. 当然,在某些情况下,抱怨是必要的.

Does CAP assist attorneys as well as clients?

Yes. CAP通过促进律师与客户之间的沟通来帮助律师. 大多数与客户的问题都可以通过及时回电话来避免, keeping clients informed about the status of their cases, explaining billing practices, meeting deadlines and managing a caseload efficiently.

Is CAP successful in solving consumer problems?

While CAP cannot successfully resolve every problem, 自1995年以来,五名员工已经处理了数以千计的咨询, including one lawyer. 大约80%的来电者的问题无需使用正式的纪律程序(提出申诉)就得到了解决。.

Pertinent Bar Rules

Part XII

The Client Assistance Program enforces: Rule 1-209